I've never actually asked someone what they envision when I tell them I'm going to "World Domination Summit," but I'm guessing they probably don't imagine a group of enthusiastic high-fiving, travel …
5 Email Newsletters That Will Change Your Life
I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with email newsletters. On the one hand, I get annoyed with them for distracting me with their push notifications. Ooh, I got an email! I …
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Why I Started a Journal (Even Though I Write for a Living)
The fear is strangely palpable. It begins as a light buzz, a feeling of "getting away with" something. But then it turns into a heavy boulder pressing on me from every side (kind of like that trash …
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World Domination Summit 2016
What do you get when you gather a group of convention-defying, quirky, passionate, intriguing people? A humble gathering that goes by the name of World Domination Summit. As I remarked when I …
“Born For This” Book Review
Do you ever feel unsure about what you're doing with your life? Wake up in the morning and think, "Am I really doing what I'm supposed to be doing?" Whether it's where you live, your choice of …
World Domination Summit 2015
When I first heard of "World Domination Summit," I couldn't help but visualize Dr. Evil (and Mr. Bigglesworth and Mini-Me) laughing maniacally and talking about "magma" and "lasers." But then I …