I've never actually asked someone what they envision when I tell them I'm going to "World Domination Summit," but I'm guessing they probably don't imagine a group of enthusiastic high-fiving, travel …
Vegetarian & Vegan Options in Kyoto
What's the vegan and vegetarian scene like in Kyoto? Based on my most recent visit, I'd say it's poppin'! Of course I don't want to get too far without saying that things in Kyoto are always changing. …
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Working from Anywhere Part 2: Expectation vs. Reality
In my last post, I shared how I was heading to Japan for a few weeks to take advantage of my freelance lifestyle. I described my feelings of excitement, anticipation, and slight nervousness. Now that …
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Working from Anywhere
I'm dashing off a quick post this morning before I head to the airport. I'm heading off to Japan to give this whole "working from anywhere" thing a try. Since I started freelancing, I've done a …
Marketing Lessons in the Andes
It was rainy and cold. My body was exhausted after waking up at 5am the day before to fight the crowds to Machu Picchu. I'd been riding on a bus for hours. And the medication I was taking to help my …
Vegetarian & Vegan Restaurants in Buenos Aires
Can you find vegetarian and vegan food in Buenos Aires? Absolutely! Sure, Argentina is famous for its steak and choripan, but there are plenty of options for those looking for meat-free fare. …
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